I also used a simple google images search to get my magazine covers which then directed me to websites such as Total Film and Fangoria. One being a bestselling movie magazine and the other a specific one for the horror genre in which I was looking at.
As well as this I researched the meaning of Fritags Triangle to help me understand the points of action within films and the code and conventions and what sorts of titling and shots my film would require.
To carry out some of my planning I create a Grid of Nine analysis chart, of three different films of the horror genre. I used YouTube to find the clips, along with printscreen and paint to edit them into Mircosoft word. Finally I used slideshare, which is a social sharing site to put this on to my blog.
During the planning of my products I used a Panasonic Lumix camera to take pictures of my locations to conduct a simple location reccee. However instead I decided tomake a video of my location and to do so I used a HD flip camcorder, and uploaded my video to the web 2.0 program YouTube. Linking it back to my blog, powered by blogger. I also used slide share to upload my poster and magazine cover ideas, and my shooting schedule. To construct my film I used a Canon Legria FS200 Camcorder and a Philips external microphone to create the effect of live sounds and to also make them sound clear.

On Photoshop I used as number of different things to help me distort my image change the color and cleanly edit around it. I used it to brighten my imagesand dim the backgrounds. For both of these ancillary products I used Microsoftword to complete my final versions, as it was easy for me to use and had everything I required to make these products.

A bit of a list Gemma. Much more detail is required. Consider:
ReplyDelete- during your research which websites did you find especially useful? Specifically what for?
- what cameras did you use? did you use any external microphones?
- did you use sharing sites to conduct audience research or get feedback?
- what aspects of i-movie, photoshop did you use?
- what desktop publishing package did you use to create your poster and magazine cover? why?
- your use of blogger and uploading youtube clips
When you turn this into a PowerPoint make sure there are lots of visuals giving specific examples.
Gemma you are missing one whole question! Where is it? In this question you need to provide a full deconstruction (analysis) of your own media products using MIGRAIN drawing comparisons with professional counterparts.