Throughout the year of my A2 course I will be making various media products for my coursework. These shall be; a movie magazine cover, a movie poster and a movie trailer on the genre of horror. I will be analysing different horror films, magazines and posters to come to the correct conclusions about what my products need to include.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Sunday, 15 April 2012
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
During my research I found the Internet Movie Database website extremely useful as it gave me the release dates, cast, crew and earnings of the production of the chosen film I was researching.
I also used a simple google images search to get my magazine covers which then directed me to websites such as Total Film and Fangoria. One being a bestselling movie magazine and the other a specific one for the horror genre in which I was looking at.
As well as this I researched the meaning of Fritags Triangle to help me understand the points of action within films and the code and conventions and what sorts of titling and shots my film would require.
To carry out some of my planning I create a Grid of Nine analysis chart, of three different films of the horror genre. I used YouTube to find the clips, along with printscreen and paint to edit them into Mircosoft word. Finally I used slideshare, which is a social sharing site to put this on to my blog.
During the planning of my products I used a Panasonic Lumix camera to take pictures of my locations to conduct a simple location reccee. However instead I decided tomake a video of my location and to do so I used a HD flip camcorder, and uploaded my video to the web 2.0 program YouTube. Linking it back to my blog, powered by blogger. I also used slide share to upload my poster and magazine cover ideas, and my shooting schedule. To construct my film I used a Canon Legria FS200 Camcorder and a Philips external microphone to create the effect of live sounds and to also make them sound clear.
Formy audience feedback I handed out questionnaires and uploaded my findings to a document and slideshare product. Throughoutthe construction of my poster and magazine cover I used iMovie and Photoshop.On iMovie I used things such as clip and sound trimmer helping me get things tocertain lengths and volumes as well as the use of text and transition buttons.
On Photoshop I used as number of different things to help me distort my image change the color and cleanly edit around it. I used it to brighten my imagesand dim the backgrounds. For both of these ancillary products I used Microsoftword to complete my final versions, as it was easy for me to use and had everything I required to make these products.
Finally, I used blogger to power my blog as it’s a free social networking site letting me document my ideas as I went along, and of course YouTube allowing me to getmy products seen by people other than my friends and family and by a much broader and wide audience.
I also used a simple google images search to get my magazine covers which then directed me to websites such as Total Film and Fangoria. One being a bestselling movie magazine and the other a specific one for the horror genre in which I was looking at.
As well as this I researched the meaning of Fritags Triangle to help me understand the points of action within films and the code and conventions and what sorts of titling and shots my film would require.
To carry out some of my planning I create a Grid of Nine analysis chart, of three different films of the horror genre. I used YouTube to find the clips, along with printscreen and paint to edit them into Mircosoft word. Finally I used slideshare, which is a social sharing site to put this on to my blog.
During the planning of my products I used a Panasonic Lumix camera to take pictures of my locations to conduct a simple location reccee. However instead I decided tomake a video of my location and to do so I used a HD flip camcorder, and uploaded my video to the web 2.0 program YouTube. Linking it back to my blog, powered by blogger. I also used slide share to upload my poster and magazine cover ideas, and my shooting schedule. To construct my film I used a Canon Legria FS200 Camcorder and a Philips external microphone to create the effect of live sounds and to also make them sound clear.

On Photoshop I used as number of different things to help me distort my image change the color and cleanly edit around it. I used it to brighten my imagesand dim the backgrounds. For both of these ancillary products I used Microsoftword to complete my final versions, as it was easy for me to use and had everything I required to make these products.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Throughout the making of my main product and my ancillary text, I was constantly thinking of a way to link the three products through colours, images and text.
Firstly, a way I have link all three of my products is through the use of image. The main character played by Daniella Bick is present in all three of my products. I felt it was important to keep her visible throughout all of the products as it clearly shows that the products are linked. This is conventional within the media industry as a majority of films will display the main character or characters on at least two of there products, mainly things to do with advertising.
I decided to use costume to show that my ancillary texts linked in with my main product. Daniella wears a red coat, again visible in all three texts. For me it was important that I had the coat visible throughout as it kept the characters sense of innocents. Also the colour red represents danger, and with my products within the horror genre it signifies that there is some form of danger ahead.
I tried to link my text, however my fonts a different to suit each product instead I used the colours of the text to link. I stuck to a colour palette of red and white, the red as it represents danger and white because it gives a sense of innocence and purity to the products.
To try and sell my products I used a number of different ways to market them, mainly present in my magazine cover. I used conventional techniques that are present in a lot of todays media products such us pugs and banners which draw in the audiences attention and make them want to know more.
Also I used tag lines to entice my audience, this could be classified at my USP (unique selling point) as its unique to my product and offers something that other magazines may not. another USP would be the exclusive interview I offer with the director of 'Senses' again making this unique to my magazine and drawing in the attention of my target audience.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Friday, 17 February 2012
Target Audience
I am aiming my film trailer at 16- 25 year olds. Firslty because the cinema is a popular location to hang out at between these ages and are also the general ages that attened the cinema.
Secondly because a majority of my questionnaires given out between these ages groups had similar results. They all liked the idea of filming to be in the woods and have the typical innocent girl that gets hurt.
Secondly because a majority of my questionnaires given out between these ages groups had similar results. They all liked the idea of filming to be in the woods and have the typical innocent girl that gets hurt.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Health and Safety
I have chosen three central locations to film, which are relatively easy to access.
The first being a woods, as my questionnaires showed that people generally prefer horrors that contain woods and big open spaces. So my second place will be a large open field near a train track. My third my bedroom as its convient. I will now talk about the health and saftey of the locations.
Health & Safety
- Will need to carry an umbrella to cover camera in case it rains.
- Need to make sure I keep all of my equipment near me so the public don't fall over it.
- As its used as a walk way to get to and from school we need to not film until roughly 3:45pm to avoid the public as much as possible.
- Be carful not to trip over wires or fall of step ladders if used for filming.
The first being a woods, as my questionnaires showed that people generally prefer horrors that contain woods and big open spaces. So my second place will be a large open field near a train track. My third my bedroom as its convient. I will now talk about the health and saftey of the locations.
Health & Safety
- Will need to carry an umbrella to cover camera in case it rains.
- Need to make sure I keep all of my equipment near me so the public don't fall over it.
- As its used as a walk way to get to and from school we need to not film until roughly 3:45pm to avoid the public as much as possible.
- Be carful not to trip over wires or fall of step ladders if used for filming.
How to develop my magazine covers!
In regards to my magazine covers I got some very positive feedback. They said they really liked the eye on the first magazine cover and the words surrounding it. However they said to maybe include images of the other senses inside the eye so they are all included. Comments were also made at the banner at the bottom of the magazine, they found this interesting to see other relevant films.
On the second poster they said they preferred the style of the title but said the positioning should be at the top. They said they preferred the image on the first one as the second one didn't feel appropriate and they didn't feel as drawn to it, however they did like the pugs better on cover two as they we more eye catching.
On the second poster they said they preferred the style of the title but said the positioning should be at the top. They said they preferred the image on the first one as the second one didn't feel appropriate and they didn't feel as drawn to it, however they did like the pugs better on cover two as they we more eye catching.
How to develop my posters!
On asking 15 people which poster the thought had the potential, the popular one was the first one, with the eye. They immediately identified that it was of the horror genre, which I was hoping would happen. They said to improve I should research into my font choice as the font looks to innocent, another point they mentioned was to decided on how I am going to spell the title, as it's different on both posters and is confusing.
Another piece of advise I was given was to possibly add another slogan or re-phase/re-place my current ones as the positioning of one doesn't look like it is meant to be there.
However saying this they said the really likes the use of the red eye, they thought this was very effective and drew them in instantly.
Another piece of advise I was given was to possibly add another slogan or re-phase/re-place my current ones as the positioning of one doesn't look like it is meant to be there.
However saying this they said the really likes the use of the red eye, they thought this was very effective and drew them in instantly.
Questionnaire; Review of results
I made a questionnaire and handed it out to 15 people therefore having 15 questionnaires, My results from questionnaire showed me a number of things;
Within horror films people like the parts that make you jump, the parts where you don't know what is going to happen next and finally parts where tension builds.
Psychological and Supernatural horror are generally chosen. This is because people like to be excited and want something different to happen and would like a horror movie that didn't necessarily conform to the conventions.
The female character came out on top when asked 'Which character do you expect to get hurt?'. This is because they feel that the female comes across are the innocent character who always does something that she should do.
Filming late afternoon or early into the night was popular as it gives the movie a sense of mysteriousness and the fact that the dark stereotyped as being more dangerous and of course the sense of not knowing whats there, as it's to dark to see.
My chosen locations for filming are conventional of the horror genre, big open spaces, woods and creepy old houses. I believe this is because you never know whats going to happen and essentially there isn't anywhere to run or hide.
Within horror films people like the parts that make you jump, the parts where you don't know what is going to happen next and finally parts where tension builds.
Psychological and Supernatural horror are generally chosen. This is because people like to be excited and want something different to happen and would like a horror movie that didn't necessarily conform to the conventions.
The female character came out on top when asked 'Which character do you expect to get hurt?'. This is because they feel that the female comes across are the innocent character who always does something that she should do.
Filming late afternoon or early into the night was popular as it gives the movie a sense of mysteriousness and the fact that the dark stereotyped as being more dangerous and of course the sense of not knowing whats there, as it's to dark to see.
My chosen locations for filming are conventional of the horror genre, big open spaces, woods and creepy old houses. I believe this is because you never know whats going to happen and essentially there isn't anywhere to run or hide.
Inital Ideas!
When I got given the task of making a horror movie trailer I was curious as to how I could successfully convey the themes of fear without it being completely obvious.
I had the idea of a young innocent girl, making her way home from ballet class and decided to take the shortcut through the woods. The woods her parents always tell her to stay away from. She makes the decision to go through them anyway and soon realises it was a bad decision.
I personally get scared at horror movies when I cannot see whats happening, I can just hear it, therefore this is something I wanted to imply in my work. The idea of the senses being engaged. I want to try as show leaves ruffling, people whistling and no one actually being there, to create the sense the girl is essentially hearing things.
I will conduct a questionnaire to see if my audience like my ideas for setting and to see what scares them so I can try and appeal to them throughout my trailer.
I had the idea of a young innocent girl, making her way home from ballet class and decided to take the shortcut through the woods. The woods her parents always tell her to stay away from. She makes the decision to go through them anyway and soon realises it was a bad decision.
I personally get scared at horror movies when I cannot see whats happening, I can just hear it, therefore this is something I wanted to imply in my work. The idea of the senses being engaged. I want to try as show leaves ruffling, people whistling and no one actually being there, to create the sense the girl is essentially hearing things.
I will conduct a questionnaire to see if my audience like my ideas for setting and to see what scares them so I can try and appeal to them throughout my trailer.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Typical conventions of Magazine covers
Magazine Cover Conventions;
- Barcode, with issue number, date and prize of magazine.
- A central image; usally a well known celebrity with appeal to attract audiences.
- Masthead; Magazines title.
- Banners.
- Cover stories.
- Pugs.
- Polaroid Images; generally indicating new films.
- Unique Selling Points; 'The coolest films 2011'.
- A colour pallet of generally three - four colours.
- Weblink.
- Insight into films genre.
- Barcode, with issue number, date and prize of magazine.
- A central image; usally a well known celebrity with appeal to attract audiences.
- Masthead; Magazines title.
- Banners.
- Cover stories.
- Pugs.
- Polaroid Images; generally indicating new films.
- Unique Selling Points; 'The coolest films 2011'.
- A colour pallet of generally three - four colours.
- Weblink.
- Insight into films genre.
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