Characters; Typically in a horror movie there is generally three of characters; a victim, a killer, and a foolish type of person. Normally the female characters are stereotyped to be the foolish ones and the men the killers. Children appear very often in horror films as it gives the film a sense of innocence even though there is some form of murder/killing taking place.
Audience; Men seem to be one of the main audiences for horror as it's exciting and something of the unknown. Also young adults from 16 upwards would be interested possibly by the horror genre as it's not typically something you'd come across in everyday life, so it essentially takes you to a parallel universe.
Settings; For a majority of horror film the setting is quiet similar, there is generally always a creepy looking house in the middle of know-where, possibly near a graveyard. Popular settings also include woods, alleyways and dark streets.
Themes; For a horror film to be successful it needs to conform to some of the typical themes, themes such as;Sin vs Purity, Known vs Unknown, Alive vs Dead, and Light vs Dark.
Style; Conventional lighting for a horror film is quite low key, dark and gloomy with a smokey feel to it. They have allot of use of extreme close ups and high angles shots, to create tension. Another way of creating tension is through the use of sound, typically you'd get organs playing, or low key chords from a piano playing.
Iconography; An iconic item you'd find within a horror film would be some form of knife, and of course most defiantly blood.
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